
Cisco WLC 5508 Factory Reset

From Mike Beane's Blog

Revision as of 16:22, 12 August 2022 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs)
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Ever had to factory reset a WLC via CLI?

(Cisco Controller) >reset system

The system has unsaved changes.
Would you like to save them now? (y/N) N

Configuration Not Saved!
Are you sure you would like to reset the system? (y/N) Y

System will now restart! Creating license client restartability thread

Exit Called
Switchdrvr exited!
Restarting system.

<...time passes..>

(Cisco Controller)

Enter User Name (or 'Recover-Config' this one-time only to reset configuration to factory defaults)

User:  recover-configInitiating system recovery process... please wait

Writing to flash ...done

Rebooting system
Creating license client restartability thread

Exit Called
Switchdrvr exited!
Restarting system.

(Cisco Controller)

Welcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration Tool
Use the '-' character to backup

Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]: