
HDR Photography

From Mike Beane's Blog

Revision as of 16:47, 13 May 2007 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs) (Added HDR and information to page)

This is a test jump into HDR photography. Hopefully it develops as I learn more, but it was so interesting I just took a leap at it.

Faux HDR

  • First off, I cheated at this. I took 1 picture (which wasn't really a great picture to begin with) and manually manipulated the colors to over & under expose. For the first test I wanted to see the merge results.

  • The results were rich in color. I shifted between 2 exposure spaces and the latter of the two was the richest.
  • Having seen the combined difference, I'll work on learning on the Powershot S3 how to manipulate the over/under exposure and see what a true light picture results with.
Combined - 2 Stops
Combined - 4 Stops

Real Test 1: Flower Pot

  • Flower pot on Porch. I took this a few hours after the faux test. Much better
Original - Cropped
HDR Cropped
HDR Full
Exposure Ranges

Real Test 2: Tower

  • 21 pictures ranging in exposures
  • Noted that there is a need to drop overly exposed pictures (95% white) from the batch

Real Test 3: River

  • 17 pictures ranging in exposures
