

From Mike Beane's Blog

Revision as of 23:01, 15 May 2011 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs)
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Continued from Arcade Cabinet


  • Began repacking .144 set with MAME#CLRMAMEPRO
  • Finished repack
  • Removed PC from cabinet
  • Removed old drives
  • Installed newer drives
  • Fresh load of Windows XP SP3
  • Fully updated OS
  • Beginning migration of .144 pack core files to primary drive using MAME#SyncToy



  • CPU: AMD2800+ Barton
  • RAM: 1.5GB RAM
  • Video: ATI x800
  • Drives: 3x assorted drives + DVD
  • Network: wireless DLINK usb + onboard NIC



For awhile clrmamepro was an enigma and this weekend after reading/watching a few tutorials, I finally gave it a go this weekend with some apparent success.

  • Built a profile
  • Pointed it at mame.exe 0.142
  • scanned .0137
  • rebuilt .0137 backups folder
  • rebuilt .0137 main folder
  • rescanned/rebuilt
  • added .dat files from update file packs
  • added update file pack paths
  • scanned update file pack paths
  • rebuilt backups folder
  • rebuilt update file pack folders
  • rescanned all
  • rebuilt all


Using MS's SyncToy to sync the files from my main computer to the MAME PC. There are some many individual files and I'm uncertain when I'll need to stop transferring so I am using a program to keep the directories synchronized until I have everything over on the MAME PC.