
Podcast Synch Batch File

From Mike Beane's Blog

Revision as of 11:01, 7 December 2008 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs)
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Not finding a good way to manage my podcasts on my Sansa e250 and I'm already manually dumping files from iTunes anyway (my choice).

Next step I plan to write something that checks:

  • Cleanup the code
  • Make a playlist (by directory or by group?)
  • Does file exist in both places - don't copy
  • Does file exist in dest and not in source - del dest
  • Does file exist in source and not in dest - copy source
  • Implement create directory if not exist routine
  • Read the Sansa On The Go Playlist and delete files that are found
  • Make dest drive setting value
  • REMOVED Check ID3 tag and set if blank - see &johncdvorak

Script Test

Pre-removal of the ANSI Win32 Color references. File:SubDir.jpg

Perl Script

Removed the MP3:: info/tag routines and also the Win32 references. That should make it cross platform.

use warnings;
use strict;

use File::Copy;     #
use Cwd;            #

#######################USER VARIABLES############################

my $podcastsource="C:/Documents and Settings/Mike/My Documents/My Music/Podcasts";


########################System Variables ########################

my $dircontents=();
my $destdir=();
my @newfile=();
my $newfile=();
my @newfiles=();
my @files=();
my $file=();
my $directorytmp=();
my $directory1tmp=();
my $directory2make=();
my @directory2make=();

# Run the script from the portable and it will determine its current path #
my $dir = cwd;
$dir =~ s/\///g;
my $LOGFILE_IN="$dir/PLAYLISTS/On The Go.plp";
my $podcastdest="$dir/MUSIC/Podcasts";

######################## Start Processing #######################

print "#################################################################\n";
print "Portable Player Drive is $dir\n";
print "On The Go.plp set to $LOGFILE_IN\n";
print "Music directory is at $podcastdest\n";
print "#################################################################\n\n";
print "Reading On The Go.plp for files to remove from portable:\n";
print "#################################################################\n\n";
print  "Checking source files to move to destination:\n";
&movefiles($podcastsource); #Check what is in the source and not in the dest - copy to dest
print "#################################################################\n\n";
print  "Checking for files removed from source:\n";
&smash($podcastdest);  #Check what is in the dest and not in the source - del from dest
print "#################################################################\n\n";
print "Done\n";

######################### End Processing ########################

######################### Subroutines ########################

sub OnTheGo
    if(-e "$LOGFILE_IN")
        open LOGFILE_IN, $LOGFILE_IN or warn "Cannot open $LOGFILE_IN for read :$!";
        binmode(LOGFILE_IN);    # I need to learn more about binmode
        while (<LOGFILE_IN>) 
            my $tmp=$_;         #Strip out characters and make data usable
            $tmp =~ s/\0//g;
            $tmp =~ s/\015//g;
            $tmp =~ s/\012//g;
            $tmp =~ s/HARP, /$dir\//;
            $tmp =~ s/\\/\//g;
            if ($tmp =~ /$dir/) #Find out if the file exists and delete both copies
                if ($tmp =~ m/($podcastdest)\/(.+)/)
                    my $file=$2;
                    if(-e "$podcastsource/$file")
                        unlink ($file) or warn "Cannot del $file: $!";
                        print "Deleted $file\n";    #local hard drive                    
                        unlink ($tmp) or warn "Cannot del $tmp: $!"; 
                        print "Deleted $tmp\n";     #Sansa
sub makedest
    {	        #Make directories
    my $destdirectory=$destdir;
    @directory2make = split(/\//, $destdirectory);
    shift (@directory2make); #drop the first

    foreach $directory2make (@directory2make)
        if(!-e $directorytmp)
            print "Did not find $directorytmp\n";                    
            mkdir ("$directorytmp") or die "Cannot make $directorytmp :$!";		    #incoming logs go here
            print "Created $directorytmp\n";    
        } # end for each

sub movefiles 
    my $dir = shift;
    opendir DIR, $dir or return;
    my @contents =
    map "$dir/$_",
    sort grep !/^\.\.?$/,
    readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;
    foreach (@contents) 
        next unless !-l && -d;
        rmdir $_;
sub createcontents
    opendir(DIR, "$dircontents") or die "Cannot open $dircontents to read: $!";
    @newfiles = grep(/\.mp3$/ ,readdir(DIR));
    foreach $newfile (@newfiles) 
        if ($dircontents =~ m/($podcastsource)\/(.+)/)
            my $testdir="$destdir/$newfile";
            if(!-e $testdir)
               if(!-e $destdir)  #check to see if dest exists, if not, create the dir   
                my $filetobecopied = "$podcastsource/$2/$newfile";
                my $oldfile = "$podcastdest/$2/$newfile";
                print "Copying $newfile\n";
                copy($filetobecopied, $oldfile) or die "File cannot be copied.";    

sub smash # Hulk Smash. Hulk destroy directory (calls destroy files also)
    my $dir = shift;
    opendir DIR, $dir or return;
    my @contents =
    map "$dir/$_",
    sort grep !/^\.\.?$/,
    readdir DIR;
    closedir DIR;
    foreach (@contents) 
        next unless !-l && -d;
        rmdir $_;
sub destroycontents
    opendir(DIR, "$dircontents") or die "Cannot open $dircontents to read: $!";
    @files = grep(/\.mp3$/,readdir(DIR));
    foreach $file (@files) 
        if ($dircontents =~ m/($podcastdest)\/(.+)/)
            if(!-e "$podcastsource/$2/$file")
                my $del="$podcastdest/$2/$file";
                unlink ($del);      
                print "$del\n";                

sub deleteplaylist
    if(-e "$LOGFILE_IN")
        if(-w $LOGFILE_IN)
            close LOGFILE_IN or warn "Cannot CLOSE $LOGFILE_IN: $!";;
            unlink $LOGFILE_IN or warn "Cannot del $LOGFILE_IN: $!"; #remove the list
            print "Cleared $LOGFILE_IN\n";

BAT file

Here is an old synch.bat to del all files in the Podcasts directory on the Sansa and then xcopy everything in the iTunes Podcasts directory. It's not quick, but it works.

echo off
del "g:\music\podcasts\*" /S /Q
xcopy "D:\music\Ipod\Podcasts\*.mp3" /S "g:\music\Podcasts\"

Autoplay Handler

Under Windows, I added an AutoPlay handler (directions here). Now when connected, synchronization is possible from the popup window.

EventAutoHandler sansa.jpg