
All Your Base Are Belong To Google

From Mike Beane's Blog

Revision as of 13:08, 19 February 2009 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs)

Work in progress [[ Part of a joke that I jotted down early 2007 that seems to be growing into reality more and more each day.]]

The NSA will seize control of Google under the guise of National Security and all of the following will be available in a nutshell. Keep in mind that Google has started working with the Government recently.

  • Searches - Either by Google account tracking or IP based search records
  • Purchases - AdSense, Acquired DoubleClick
  • Social Networks - owns Orkut
  • Chats - GoogleChat
  • Email - Gmail
  • Photos
    • Google StreetView - pictures of the areas recorded
    • Picasa photo sharing holding pictures of your life
  • Global View - Google Earth - user generated pins and info
    • High Quality Digital Imagery Satellite
  • Documents
    • Spreadsheets, documents and everything you put in them
  • Calendar
    • Google knows when you've been and when you'll be
  • Phone
    • 700mhz Spectrum Big [Failed]
    • Android
  • Google Latitude - We know where your phone is
  • EMR - We know your ailments and your health